Friday, April 20, 2007


The official results are out. I finished the race in 12:04:38. Out of 1860 finishers (~2000 starters) I placed 943rd in the swim, 1240th on the bike and 124th on the run. Guess what leg I enjoyed the most... This makes for an overal place of 547, meaning I passed over 500 people on the marathon, sweet! The offical pix are now posted (low res, I have to order the hi res). Misha finished in13:51:48, placing 1415th, 1635th and 550th for the 3 respective legs, for a total place of 1217th. The creepy part is that his time is exactly (to the second) Ray's time for IM Wisconsin 2003. Weird...


Unknown said...

C'est quoi ces iron-pills malsaines dans ton bike-to-run package ?
Bel exemple pour nos jeunes pardi !
On plaint qd meme maureen qui a du faire des photos pendant plus de 12 heures...

paul said...

content pour toi. t as tjs dit que t allais le faire, moi j ai tjs cru que t etais trop vieux. et puis un an d' Hamburgers Helpers ca doit pas aider...