Our little Theo was born a few minutes after midnight on February 20th. He came into this world in the Astroboy position, probably because we kept calling him Astro in utero.

He is already very social and had lots of visitors: Marie-Catherine, Goeric and his buddy Timothee, Auriane, Sebastien and Tristan, Benjy, Misha, Mizuki, Beth, Trystan and Mirabelle, Marisa and Steve, Nathalie, Olav and Audric, Vijay and Ursula, Loyda, Scott and Luca, Catherine, Quentin and Antoine (visiting from Belgium), Ines, Olivier, Victor and Antoine, Alex, and of course his Grandma. All that in 2.5 weeks.
He is excited to discover the world and to meet more of you.