Sunday started out pretty conventional, with our first time visit to the SF Cathedral. This is an amazing buiding and is definitely worth checking out. If you can figure out how they keep the levitating cross from swinging North/South, please leave a comment on this post. After a really long mass that reminded me of my childhood in Vienna (they are still doing the kneeling business, and the "our father" was in Latin) we went for brunch at citizen Cake in Hayes Valley with Mike & Wei. When we got home things were just getting started in Dolores park. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence had taken over the grounds, and were dialing up the music, colors and occasional nudity. The party culminated with the annual hunky Jesus contest won by a "brokeback Jesus" duo.
We then walked to Potrero Hill where the annual BYOBW race was going full swing. Misha, Andrew an Bret were competing in the scuderia Target category, which made for a rather poor performance (Target's big wheels seem to get flimsier year after year, buyer beware!).
A few pictures.